If you currently use the Outstanding Baby's Days software system, have your Ofsted Inspection looming,
and would like to know what to do during your inspection with regards to the data you have created and stored
on your system, for example: what do you print, what do you show the inspector, have you completed enough,
what are you missing etc, simply click the image below to download our "Your Inspection" guide in pdf format.
Baby's Days is the best selling and most advanced EYFS childcare management software system of its kind and
used by more childcare settings than any other software package in the industry, complex yet simple to manage and
available for Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Childminders within the UK and across the World. Baby's Days is the
only system in the world that allows you to run your entire childcare business from one system.
For more information about the Baby's Days system, click the image below.